Socom Ca Forums?

welcome to the Socom Ca community

Community Guidelines

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.:: SunShine ::.

Reaction score
1 months of service
Community Guidelines
We like to keep it simple at SocomCa Forums but there are a few things that you should keep in mind to make your stay enjoyable. By accessing our service, you agree to abide by these our Community Guidelines, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy. These guidelines may change at any time.


One account per household. You are not permitted to access another user's account, ever.
Vulgar, offensive or otherwise obscene usernames will result in a ban.
Impersonating Staff, popular trademarks, or other misleading names is forbidden.
Nude or sexualized profile photos, profile cover photos, and signatures are forbidden.

This is an English-speaking forum. Use a translator or your post will be removed.
Familiarize yourself with the board. Posting in the correct forums will provide you with more timely replies.
Please use the search button. Your question has probably already been answered.
Use descriptive topic titles. Topics like "Help!", "Look", or "Error" are not acceptable and will be removed.
Think of the human. If you're giving criticism, try to be as constructive as possible and be respectful. Flaming will not be tolerated.
SocomCa forums does not provide support for content, specifically "nulls", downloaded from another website.
You may only bump your topic once every two (2) days, from the date of the last post.
Responding to any content with "thanks", "good", "cool", "welcome", or anything of the sort is considered spam.

Do NOT send unsolicited support requests to other users or Staff. This includes content that is sexual in nature, solicitation of funds, unsolicited advertising of your site or services, as well as support, product, or service requests. SocomCa forums is not a "hacking" community. Discussions of how or encouragement to "hack" (DDOS, etc) will result in suspension(s).
You may not use our service(s) as a means to create, promote, or otherwise facilitate websites or communities that are similar in nature to SocomCa forums, most especially file sharing.
While we want to inspire creativity and promote freedom on the internet, we do not provide support for websites that are pornographic in nature. Assistance will not be provided to websites that promote or facilitate the use of "cheats", "hacks", or any form of injections or applications that are malicious in nature to gaming. Any content that involves vulnerabilities, compromises their account, or exposes end-users to potentially malicious code is not permitted here. Status updates are not to be used for requesting support, complaining about other users or Staff, or for advertisements of your site, services, or needs. General Guidelines

Have a good time, act maturely, be kind, and discover! That's what this community is all about. Please avoid drama. We dislike it too when things go wrong but there's a report button. Do not "call out" other users - just report their post! Subject To Change At Any Time

Thank You
Staff SocomCa
signature : socomca


All written topics and posts express the point of view of their author, and do not express in any way the point of view of the forum management. .

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